Quality crawl space services Atlanta

Crawlspaces encapsulated repairs Atlanta right now: Seal off Every Vent and Opening: You want to stop outdoor from getting into your crawl space. The best way to do so is by sealing off all openings to the outdoors. You can use spray foam and foam board. Air Seal Gaps and Cracks: Once you’re done sealing the major openings and vents, it’s time to focus on any other reaming cracks and gaps. These may include band joists, plumbing penetrations, HVAC drain line runs, and wiring. Choose the Right Crawl Space Encapsulation Professional: Earlier, we pointed out that DIY encapsulation may be a bad idea, especially for homeowners with zero training and experience in crawl space encapsulation. The best move is to choose a reputable crawl space encapsulation contractor to do the job for you. Discover more information on encapsulation atl Georgia.

A properly insulated attic can reduce your heating and cooling costs by up to 40%! We offer foil radiant barriers, blown in fiberglass / cellulose insulation, spray foam and fiberglass batt insulation for attics. For homes or rooms without an attic, spray foam insulation can be a great way to making your home more efficient. Basement or crawl space water intrusion is usually resolved with a french drain. A french drain redirects water into a sump pump or drains out away from the home. If you have water intrusion or see efflorescence / water stains on your concrete walls, reach out for a free french drain estimate.

Germs and bacteria thrive in crawl spaces, especially if they’re not encapsulated. Our natural, non-toxic disinfectant solution is misted onto all surfaces in the crawl space with a commercial fog machine. If you have odors coming from your crawl space, ask us about adding a deodorizer treatemnt. Our crawl space deodorizer treatmenet does a great job at reducing musty odors and other odors caused by things like rodents. Our mission is offer affordable and effective crawlspace services that will last. Our vapor barriers and other products are carefully selected and tested for maximum durability and performance. We pride ourselves in taking no shortcuts, and doing things right the first time.

Crawl Space Encapsulation is a long term solution to many crawlspace problems, such as mold and moisture. This typically involves covering the foundation pillars, walls and ground with plastic and then sealing everything up to prevent air leaks. Our premium vapor barriers come in multiple thickness levels. Sometimes a dehumidifier is needed to remove the excess moisture on a regular basis. During your initial inspection, we’ll gather the data necessary to complete your quote and offer any advice on what else might be needed. Examples could be mold treatment, a new access door, insulation replacement, further waterproofing and/or a drainage system. Find even more details at https://www.atlantacrawlspace.com/.

About 20 percent of all homes in the U.S. have crawl spaces. Crawl spaces play many vital roles in a home, housing the building structure, HVAC, electrical, plumbing, gas lines, and irrigation system of your home. Most homes with open vented crawl spaces tend to suffer from moisture-related issues, such as mold and fungal growth. These issues can compromise the structural integrity and health of the home. Moisture can lead to expensive crawl space repairs and attract termites. To avoid these issues, experts recommend a professional grade ‘crawl space encapsulation’.

Our mission is offer affordable and effective crawlspace services that will last a lifetime! Our vapor barriers and other products are carefully selected and tested for maximum durability and performance. We pride ourselves in taking no shortcuts, and doing things the right way the first time around. Fixing your damp crawl space before major problems occur is a smart decision. You can avoid costly repairs and decreased home value. Best of all, our technicians finish jobs in just a few days or less! Upon completion, we’ll take our time to double check our work and perform a thorough cleaning of the job site. You’ll be glad you chose Atlanta Crawl Space.