Top orthodontist dental clinic Rochdale

High quality teeth whitening dental clinic Rochdale, UK: Composite bonding is gentle and cost-effective treatment which will include: An initial consultation with an experience cosmetic dentist; A detailed plan of your treatment for you to agree; Anaesthesia if necessary (this is rarely required for cosmetic bonding); Conscious sedation if you feel nervous or anxious; Excellent results that will improve your smile; Advice on looking after your new smile. A simple procedure with impressive improvements : Composite bonding is a relatively straight forward dental procedure which can alter minor imperfections in your teeth, such as worn edges, cracks or chips. Our dentist will first match the resin colour to your natural tooth shade before moulding it to create the ideal shape. The treatment does not take long and can produce the desired result usually within one dental appointment. Discover even more info at oral hygiene Rochdale, UK.

Looking after your smile is necessary and, here at Edenfield Cosmetic & Dental Care in Rochdale, our dental team deliver high quality and affordable private dental treatment that offers exceptional service and outstanding results. Healthy teeth play an important part of your day to day living as well as your self-esteem. We want to work alongside you to make your teeth as strong and attractive as they possibly can be. Good oral hygiene regimes can help to prevent some of the most common dental issues and we recommend regular appointments with our dental hygienists who can also provide advice to enhance your daily tooth-brushing routine.

Do you wish to maintain healthy teeth and gums? Here are several advices: Avoid using your teeth for anything other than chewing food. If you use them to crack nuts, remove bottle tops or rip open packaging, you risk chipping or even breaking your teeth. See your dentist for regular check-ups. You should also visit your dentist if you have a dental problem such as a toothache or bleeding gums.|Advices for teeth whitening. Tooth-whitening strips will help get rid of tooth stains. These strips are very thin, virtually invisible, and are coated with a peroxide-based whitening gel. You wear them a few minutes daily for a week or more. Results are visible in just a few days, and last at least a year. The results with strips are not as dramatic as with whitening kits, but the strips are easy to use and pretty much foolproof.

If you have extrinsic discoloration/staining, start by trying a stain-removing toothpaste for a couple of weeks. Going for a stain-removing electric toothbrush can make a big difference here, too. Staining can also be removed during a professional teeth cleaning. If you have intrinsic yellowing, no amount of stain-removing toothpaste can lighten the inner color of the tooth. You’ll need to whiten your teeth using a bleaching gel that is held up against the teeth (but don’t run out to buy whitening strips quite yet!).

Improve your other health conditions. Conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, and bruxism (also known as teeth grinding) can all affect the health and appearance of your smile. When the body is strained by one health condition, it’s more difficult to treat another. Rather than covering up symptoms, you can help improve your health through preventive methods. Eating right and getting enough exercise can dramatically improve the appearance of your body, teeth, and gums.

Not only is it bad for your health, smoking is one of the worst offenders when it comes to staining teeth. Tobacco causes brown stains that penetrate the grooves and pits of tooth enamel. Tobacco stains can be hard to remove by brushing alone. The longer you smoke, the more entrenched the stains become. Smoking also causes bad breath and gingivitis (gum disease), and increases the risk of most types of cancer. Discover even more information at

Dental veneers can offer a quick and painless solution to the embarrassing problems associated with damaged, crooked or discoloured teeth. They can also be helpful in reducing the appearance of unsightly gaps between teeth. Each thin porcelain veneer will be carefully crafted to fit to the front of your existing teeth. They will also be colour matched to give you the brighter look you are seeking. Your dentist will gently prepare each tooth before firmly bonding your bespoke veneers in place.

Control the Sippy Cup: A sippy cup can help kids move from a bottle to a glass, but don’t let him drink from it all day long. Using it too much can lead to decay on the back of the front teeth if the drinks are sugary. Here are some tips to help keep your child’s teeth healthy and strong starting at age 3: Use a pea-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste and make sure your child spits it out after brushing, Be sure your child brushes for at least 2 minutes twice a day, Start flossing as soon as teeth touch, or even earlier to help build good habits. Help your child brush and floss, and remind him or her to pay attention to the back teeth. Visit the dentist every 6 months.

Fortunately, there are simple ways to keep teeth strong and healthy from childhood to old age. Here’s how: Start children early. Once that first tooth appears usually around six months you should begin a child’s dental care. Teeth can be wiped with a clean, damp cloth or a very soft brush. At about age 2, you can let kids try brushing for themselves — although it’s important to supervise. Start early and avoid your child being part of the 50% of children between the ages of 12 and 15 who have cavities.

Are Dental Implants Safe for Seniors? As for whether dental implants are safe for seniors, the answer is yes—in most cases. If you are in good health and have sufficient bone density in your jaw, getting dental implants is not a problem. The procedure may require extra precautions if you take certain medications, such as blood thinners, to prevent excessive bleeding. Overall, deciding whether to get a single or full-mouth dental implant should be made in consultation with your oral health professional, who can assess your health status and recommend the most appropriate treatment options. You can also ask a family dental professional about the potential cost of dental implants to avoid blowing your budget.