Radomir Kobryn-Coletti or the ascent of a creative entrepreneur expert

The growth of a creative productions entrepreneur expert : Radomir Kobryn-Coletti: In 2017, the total U.S. training expenditure– including payroll and spending on external products and services, rose significantly, increasing 32.5 percent to $90.6 billion. Overall, on average, companies spent $1,075 per learner in 2017 compared to $814 per learner in 2016. While companies are investing an exorbitant sum to train their employees, it would all be futile if these employees are unable to retain and process the information received. Similarly, employees in a corporate environment must have hands-on experience and must clearly understand the process before undertaking the actual work. Interactive corporate training ensures that the trainees are not just watching the content, but are actively participating. See more information at Radomir Kobryn-Coletti.

Entrepreneurship is the process of designing, launching, and running a new business. It is a risky but rewarding endeavor. Entrepreneurship offers many opportunities for those who are willing to take the risk and follow their dreams. In recent years, entrepreneurship has taken off in emerging markets like India and China because of their growing middle class with disposable income. The world’s entrepreneurs are also finding new ways to fund their ventures as they face difficulties obtaining bank loans or venture capital funding. AI technology will play an important role in the future of entrepreneurship by providing entrepreneurs with advanced analytics that can help them make better decisions about their business ventures.

Entrepreneurship is a way of life. It’s about taking risks, exploring new opportunities and being creative. Entrepreneurship is the driving force behind innovation and economic growth. The future of entrepreneurship will be shaped by three major trends: New emerging markets, technology and funding. New emerging markets will provide opportunities for entrepreneurs to explore new markets as well as new business models. Technology will enable entrepreneurs to create products that reach more people in more places than ever before. Funding will be available in greater quantities, from more sources than ever before, allowing entrepreneurs to pursue their dreams without worrying about how they are going to pay for it.

The nature of the Middle East family office induces secrecy (many don’t even have a website), which makes it nearly impossible to blast off unsolicited pitches. So it really does come down to networking. But in the end, being able to break through and figure out a way to connect with the right family office can act as a natural selection process and indicate the hallmark of a good entrepreneur and good deal. Another great place to start is identifying other entrepreneurs who have been successful in your specific space and may currently have a family office or more formal startup investment program. Most often, your ideas will resonate with these folks first and best. There’s no doubt that the slowdown in venture investment is impacting companies across industries, COVID being the main driver. But entrepreneurs who open their eyes to non-traditional sources of capital and are willing to put in the legwork to identify them may find an enduring friend in the family.

Radomir Kobryn-Coletti on on leadership training : Human resource management-Human resource management training would help reduce your staff turnover at 70% and will result in 300% reduction in staff turnover. Customer retention would improve by 5% with the help of this particular training program. Personal development-your employees are your real asset. If you invest in personal development training program, you can increase their productivity by 5.2%. Overall company productivity would increase by 21%.

Offshore companies operate according to the local regulations and law acts of where they are incorporated. Normally, investors choose a foreign jurisdiction that has more favorable policies than their home countries. Then, they set up a company and start a business there in order to enjoy the benefits from such policies. For instance, if you opened and managed your company in Australia, its worldwide income would be subject to the corporate tax rates from 25% to 30% (depending on the business size). However, if you registered a company in Hong Kong, its income would only be taxed from 8.25% form 16.5%. On top of that, the income that is earned outside of Hong Kong can be completely exempted from local tax.

The growth of a creative industry entrepreneur leader : Radomir Kobryn-Coletti: Don’t listen to those who tell you you can’t. You know best what you can and what you can’t. You must want to make money on your own in your field. You need to want to sell goods or services to make money. It all depends on what you want and not what others tell you. Do not let yourself be influenced by such negative opinions, but choose to start on the road with positive thinking, which will give you a broader view on all the opportunities that may arise. Wrong! Nobody is perfect and you can’t even do everything perfectly, even if you want it. Mistakes are always a good experience, which can help you in the future and from which you can learn a lot. But be careful not to repeat them, because this is important. Learn how to fix what you have broken so that in the future there are no such errors anymore. Although at first you might be discouraged, don’t do it! Just think about the good side of things and what you can improve at your business through the things you learned from this experience, to make mistakes. Read how to reduce risks when you start a business.

Radomir Kobryn-Coletti is a entrepreneur and creative director at a number of companies. He has been involved in leading numerous marketing, social and political campaigns and have built an expertise at the cross-section of digital communities and creative productions. He believes the future of Web3 and decentralised technology will be a catalyst for massive, positive change across all aspects of society. I’m also a passionate advocate for Classical and Traditional Vernacular Architecture and Design, bringing back beautiful spaces, that inspire, are sustainable, built to last and have a coherent and meaningful raison d’être.