Jason Craveiro Victoria awesome realtor tips 2022

Best Victoria BC real estate tips right now with Jason Craveiro? You probably don’t have the same skill set as Joanna and Chip Gaines, but you might still wind up with a fixer-upper thanks to those inventory constraints. And that’s totally okay. What I’ve learned from buying real estate is that you’ll typically never be content with the upgrades previous owners or developers make, even if they were super expensive and high quality. So why pay extra for it? There’s a good chance you’ll want to make the home yours, with special touches and changes that distance yourself from the previous owner. Don’t be afraid to go down that road, but also know the difference between superficial blemishes and design challenges, and even worse, major problems. Especially this year, watch out for money pits that sellers can finally unload because real estate is just so very hot. Those properties that could never sell may finally find a buyer, and you might not want that buyer to be you.

Jason Craveiro real estate recommendation daily: Now that you know the “fair market value” of the home you like, it’s time to determine how much you are willing to pay. Establishing this prior to making a formal offer helps define your personal limits. You should determine how much to offer, how much earnest money you will put down, how much of the closing costs you will ask the seller to pay, when you plan to settle, and what inspections you plan to have conducted. Your agent will offer great advice for structuring your offer. Remember to ask your agent about contingencies and their importance. If you don’t fully understand something, be sure to clarify it.

Renovating increases the house value says Jason Craveiro : When the housing market is buoyant there’s usually a high demand for building services, making it hard to find good builders at a reasonable price. It can be tempting to pick the cheapest builder who can start next week, but if a quote price is super-cheap there’s normally a good reason: perhaps they forgot to include something, or simply just got their sums wrong. Either way, the builder will realise they’re working at a loss. And if they walk off the job, it will cost you dearly to get someone else to finish it, with all the hassle that goes with that. It may be cheaper in the long run to go for a medium-range price rather than risk work being skimped to recoup losses, leaving you with a badly done job. If your project is not time critical, employing ‘friends of friends’ or friends on ‘mates’ rates’ may work. But more often than not something else will come up on the day when they promised to finish your job, which could then hold up the following trades.

It can be tough to find a floor solution that stands the test of time whole being chemical, spills and stain resistant. Almost every type of flooring has some disadvantage or the other. And that’s one of the reasons as to why having stable shoes for walking on concrete is very important. An excellent choice for a variety of needs, epoxy floors seem to have fewer drawbacks and more benefits.

Okay, this is probably the hardest real estate trend to swallow—so brace yourself: Inventory has been incredibly low! For perspective, inventory was down 22% in November 2020 compared to the previous year.2 There just weren’t enough houses for sale over the year to meet buyer demand. But don’t worry, we’ll walk you through what to expect if you enter the market. Low inventory means you need to be on your toes when you go house hunting—the best homes will likely be snatched up fast. In November 2020, more than 7 in 10 sold homes were on the market for less than a month.3 That doesn’t leave much time to hem and haw over your home search. If you want to find a good home in this slim market, here’s some advice: Sacrifice some wants. If you can’t find the house you want, be willing to give up some “nice-to-haves” for your “must-haves.” Find the least expensive home in the best neighborhood you can afford and upgrade over time. Find additional details at Jason Craveiro Realtor.