ICSE exam preparation

K Factor ICSE exam learning? Avoid studying for long hours continuously; instead take regular intervals every 50 to 60 minutes. These intervals are important to relax your brain and retrieve your energy to get ready for the next study session. They help to keep your brain focused and alert.

Is this really possible for everyone to score more than 90+ percentage? No, not for everyone. This is all your hard work from the beginning of 12th class. In my case study, a huge number of students do not take first 9 months too seriously. They start their preparations just before the 3 months of board exams. So is it OK? Absolutely yes, only if you are fully prepared with your notes and every stuff related to board exam. Use your last 3 months in reading or practicing those notes and not collecting them. Last 3 months are judgment months, and the students who are preparing for board exam from the beginning of 12th class uses this time with great strategies, and they successfully get the 90+ percentage in board exams result.

Remember that preparation from the NCERT book is most important. The paper will come from NCERT books only. Read every line of your textbooks; highlight all the important points and keywords. Skipping chapters may be detrimental if questions are set from that section.

These aides in cbse test preparation and JEE tests too. Educators can without much of a stretch utilize this application to make an understudy batch and keeping in mind that the application sets questions the instructor can screen the advancement of every understudy without any problem. K factor is an extraordinary instructive help for schools moreover. Every candidate gets redid question papers as per merit and the multiple batch of understudies can be observed without any problem. Are you worried about your scores in the upcoming exams ? Many of you have taken online tuitions, consulted study guide, test papers, suggestion books and more. You are planning to appear for these exams depending on such preparations. Discover even more details on K Factor educational App.

But, you can measure the student’s depth of Knowledge ? You have taught all subjects and chapters with utmost passion. Maybe your students have answered a lot many questions correctly for ICSE, CBSE & WBBSE…. but the depth of knowledge and retention level of students are still not up to the mark. K Factor is the best application for test preparation for wbbse and neet too. It gives ai put together questions depending with respect to dok or profundity of information on the understudy naturally. Each test accompanies an appraisal for simple understanding of the degree of studies, candidate quality and shortcomings. This aides in cbse test preparation and JEE tests moreover.

K Factor is an app for Unlimited mock Test focusing on Joint entrance exams, CBSE exams, ICSE exams. Students can make a profile, choose a course, select ICSE paper / CBSE subjects / JEE chapters and then start giving mock tests. K Factor is the preferable app for exam preparation for WBBSE and NEET also. It provides AI based questions depending on DOK or depth of knowledge of the student automatically. Read additional details at here.